9 Temmuz 2013 Salı



The IACSD aims at participating to tackle the most urgent challenges, generated by the transition Tunisia is currently witnessing, that is namely a high level of unemployment in general and mostly among the young and educated generation, the poverty affecting more and more new segments of the society and the difficulty to influx a new enhancement of development into the landlocked areas of the country. The actions of the IACSD are devoted to the perspective of a wholesome national kick-up affecting all economic and social sectors. The said actions do integrate the new dynamics of the civil society and their initiators are committed to carry out their activities in full harmony with the policy set-up by the official authorities at their twofold levels, national and regional, and in conformity with the national priorities of development.

Composed of multidisciplinary competences which have served in the fields of diplomacy, the financial and banking sectors, the Public Service, the Trade Unions and the  Private Sector and which are, by the same token, open to the twenty/thirty years generations willing to bring a qualitative change to the body of Associations, the founding members of the  IACDS are committed, through the setting of a network of contacts and relations, either inside or outside of Tunisia and both, to work for:

* The eradication of the extreme poverty in the Country. The IACDS  targets to bring support to most disfavored strata of the population, through its own input with the help of the similar NGOs activities and its contribution towards the implementation of national programs, focusing on the social aspect of them.

*The insurance of a sound education to the Tunisian youngsters while trackling the most performing schooling and university curricula, their adequacy with the requirement of labor market. The IACDS contribution will look for the betterment of the space and other suitable conditions where school courses are conducted in most backward areas in the Country.

*The promotion of gender equality, the safeguard of the Tunisian women right achievements and the necessity of their reinforcement in all fields.

Through its commitment, the dynamics of its members as well as the opportunities offered by the international cooperation with similar NGOs, the IAISD will then tackle the matter of elaborating and setting-up a strategy of development based on the two following axis:

1-Actions aiming at reabsorbing the unemployment particularly that of the university graduates.

-To enhance the conditions of employability of higher education graduates, through a specific effort of recycling, allowing them to acquire a suitable training which would facilitate their access to the labor market.

-To stimulate the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship towards the young graduates, by encouraging them to create their own projects and by working for their accompaniment in all the setting-up steps of their company through an effort encompassing the coaching, the facilitation of loans access, the skills of the management techniques and the marketing of the end product. In this respect, a program of start-ups could constitute some nests of the kind to develop, in partnership with the civil society and a meaningful support from the overseas partners of the IACSD

2- Actions aiming at lessening the increasing phenomenon of extreme poverty.

Several areas situated at the limbs of big conglomerations and at the interior of the country, daily acknowledge the awful impacts of the poverty.  The projected actions by the IACSD are meant to encourage the populations of the disfavored areas to self-reliance through social supportive programs, integrating financial components (creation of income resources), social ones (search for solutions about delinquency particularly juvenile and fight against the scourge of narcotics) and those related to community health.

Obviously such endeavors remain conditional to the official input and effective implementation by the authorities in respect to infrastructure upgrading  and the value enhancement of the macro-economic potentialities of the disadvantaged areas.

At the start, the IAISD actions will focus on the following sectors which are able to generate jobs with high added value to the economy:

Ecological and Cultural Tourism:

* Occupying an important post in the economy (7% of the gross national product and employing some five hundred thousand Tunisians), the touristic sector will earn to be enhanced through diversification. It has to be detached from the seaside perception which has stuck to it for the last forty years through the introduction of more rewarding new crenels such as ecological and cultural tourism.

*To encourage private initiatives towards this approach where opportunities are tangible for the country possesses millennial cultural heritage (historical and archeological sites) while, by the same token, it is useful to acknowledge and to raise awareness about the meaningful aspects of ecology with the Tunisian populations.

*To insist on popularizing tourism of quality (leisure, health and culture) through the formula promotion: respect of the biodiversity balance and the preservation of the environment with its two dimensions (fauna and flora) for the benefit of the actual and future generations.

Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development:

*To push forward agricultural projects which consider the growth of farm bio-products within the framework of sustainable agriculture (conservation of water and soil, traceability, usage of natural manure, composting... )

*To develop, in a suitable approach, human resources for the viability of sustainable agriculture. In this respect, the IACSD will take it as a priority to support the projects whose promoters are particularly women and youth through the facilitation of access to water, land, banking loans, marketing and distribution channels.
Recycling Plastic, Metal, and Paper Trash
*To encourage and support the creation of collection units and recycling domestic and industrial refuses (paper, plastic, metal and fluids)
-To work for the promotion of Private/Public Partnership in this sector.

The Sector of New Technologies of Information and Communication

*To support Start-Ups and Research and Development insuring to the University graduates/promoters the suitable framework for their success in the implementation of their projects.

Public health: making health care services reachable to the whole population especially that of the areas remained disfavored and so through the betterment of cares quality with accessible costs

Education for all, especially in remote areas while insisting on the quality of education programmes in boosting the critique mind instead of the accumulation of knowledge